How to Fix a Broken Fishing Rod?

Nothing breaks an angler’s heart more than when his favorite and most trusted fishing rod breaks in the middle of an exciting fishing adventure.

How To Fix A Broken Fishing Rod

If you are also frustrated over a snapped fishing rod and want to fix it, then this article is for you. Today, we will share amazing and easy ways of fixing a broken fishing rod, so stay with us.

How to Fix a Broken Fishing Rod?

Throwing a broken fishing rod or getting a new one is not always an option for all anglers, as some prefer to fix it instead of investing money in a new one. So, if you don’t want to throw your broken fishing rod, the following information is for you.

Access the Damage

Before we discuss how to fix a broken fishing rod, take a moment to analyze your fishing rod and look for the damage. Can it be fixed, or is it totally snapped? Here are some signs of a broken fishing rod.

Access The Damage
  • A fishing rod usually cracks from the joints when the weight exceeds its bearing power. Are there any visible cracks?
  • Look around the fishing rod do you notice any damage in guides or a missing guide insert? If your fishing rod is not performing as it used to, then there is a probability of the guides being damaged.
  • Examine the blank thoroughly. Are there any holes or punctures in the main shaft of your fishing line?
  • Lastly, look closely at your fishing tip. Is it bent more than usual, or does it feel too weak?

All these signs of damage can break the fishing rod, and if you notice any of these signs, then you can fix them through the following methods. So read ahead and fix your broken fishing rod yourself.

Ways to Fix a Broken Fishing Rod

The method by which a broken fishing rod is fixed depends on the damaged or broken part. I usually use the following methods to fix my fishing rod.

Ways To Fix A Broken Fishing Rod

Tape or Fixing Solution

In case of small cracks or a little snap, tape or fixing solution is super effective in fixing a broken fixing rod. Just wrap the tape around the damaged part, and you will be good to go.

Moreover, a rubber adhesive solution is really effective in fixing broken fishing rods. Both tapes and fixing solutions are quick and easy methods of fixing snapped fishing rods.

Replace the Damaged Part

If any part is damaged to a level that tape or solution can’t fix, then you can try replacing the damaged part. I mostly choose this when my rod is completely broken, or a part is severely damaged, like its guides, reels, etc.

Replace The Damaged Part

All you have to do is get a new part and get rid of the damaged one. Also, some manufacturers offer replacement for the broken fishing rod. You can also get help from professionals.

Buy a New Rod

Sadly, some damages can’t be fixed, so instead of paying a hefty amount for a costly repair, getting a new fishing rod is a good call. If your budget is limited, a fishing rod that comes at a low price will be a reliable option.

Fix it With Epoxy Glue

If you don’t have the budget for a new fishing rod and the repairs mentioned above methods are not working for you, then only epoxy glue can fix your broken fishing rod.

Fix It With Epoxy Glue

I have used epoxy glue to fix my fishing rod multiple times, and it works much better than other temporary solutions, like wrapping the broken part with tape. It adheres to the broken parts tightly and fills the gap between them, providing a more reliable and permanent solution for fixing a snapped fishing rod.

You can choose any repair method according to your accessibility, ease, and level of damage. Once you have decided on the method, you can move forward to the next step.

Gather the Tools and Materials

  • Epoxy glue (if you are fixing the fishing rod with epoxy)
  • Sandpaper to smoothen and prepare the surface for glue application
  • Cleaning supplies like rubbing alcohol and a clean cloth.
  • Tape (if needed)
  • Gloves
  • Cutter or utility knife
Gather The Tools And Materials

Fixing the fishing rod with tape or replacing the broken part completely does not need any stepwise instruction. However, epoxy glue is not easy to use, and if you are looking for a more permanent solution to fix the broken rod, then the following guide is for you.

Steps to Fix the Broken Fishing Rod With Epoxy Glue

Steps To Fix The Broken Fishing Rod With Epoxy Glue
  • Firstly, wipe the damaged area with a clean cloth and rubbing alcohol. It is important to get rid of any dirt debris to let the fixing solution or tape stick to the rod properly.
  • Now, choose a clean working area to move forward with the fixing procedure.
  • Decide what method will fix your broken rod, grab all the required material, and place it near your workstation.
  • Remove the broken guide or damaged part using the proper tools if needed.
  • Take sandpaper and roughen the surface to prepare it for epoxy glue application.
  • Now, take out the epoxy glue, follow the manufacturer’s guide, and mix it thoroughly. Make sure you use the right proportions to make a thick solution.
  • Take a brush or stick to apply the epoxy on the cracked parts of the fishing rod.
  • Use clamps or tapes to hold the broken pieces of the fishing rod together firmly.
  • Leave the glue to dry for a while or the recommended time mentioned on the product.
  • Let the rod rest till it passes the healing time.
  • Reattach the guides if you have removed them in the beginning. You can skip this part if your guides don’t need any fixing.
  • In the end, test the fixed fishing rod; if it works, you can take it on your next fishing adventure.

Bonus Tip

To keep your newly fixed fishing rod in good shape and use it for a long time, the only key is regular maintenance. Make sure you clean it after every use.


Is it possible to repair a broken fishing rod?

Yes, broken fishing rods can be fixed, but it depends on the breaking point. Some cracks and breaks are unrepairable. For instance, if the rod is broken from the middle, there is no way you can fix it with tape or glue.

What is the best glue for fishing rod repair?

You can use hot glue and epoxy glue to repair a broken fishing rod.

Is it worth repairing a fishing rod?

If it is just a crack and the damage is repairable, fixing it using temporary repairing methods is a good call. It is cheaper and works well too.


There are various ways of fixing a broken fishing rod, depending on the damage, and you can choose any method to fix your broken fishing rod. However, the epoxy glue method is more reliable and also frees the anglers from the fear of snapping the rod again if it hooks a big fish. Instead of throwing your broken rod in the trash, give these fixing methods a shot and thank me later.

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